​​Positive Change: It’s ALL ABOUT ATTITUDE

"A good attitude is like the needle and thread that pull us through the fabric of life."  - Patrice Lee 
"I have come through many wars and seen times that are hard.  This is the time for change.  Your message is for today. Now is the time for people to hear what you have to say."  - Regina Engelhardt, Kiwerce, Poland

Available by request


​​Comments/Feedback on Workshops/Presentations

Feedback from Bully Prevention Workshops:
~ "Thank you for coming. Out of all the workshops today, our youth enjoyed your Bully Prevention Workshop the most." - Jonathan F., Youth Leader
~ "It was great!" - Donna

Congress of Communities Workshop (2-13-20)
When asked:  "What I like best about today's workshop?" here's what 8 {out of 9} attendees said:
~ "For me, it was great. The class explained a lot, gave a lot of information, ...I learned a lot."

~ "That there was participation and sharing stories on the subject."

~  "I liked the whole class, because everything was well-explained."

~ "The truth and the passion of the speaker and attendees"
~ "The talk was very interesting, I liked it."

~ "The subject and the explanations"

~ "The examples that were shared"
~  ...All of it"

Teacher Feedback on Classroom Presentation
~ "The children loved you! They can relate to everything you said. They soaked up every word. Thank you!" - K. Lyons, 4th Grade Teacher
~ "Thank you! It was awesome!" - SJ, 4th Grade Teacher

Feedback on Parent Meetings 
~ "We want you back again next year. Are you available? Let's book it now!" - Hartford Back-to-School Workshop

~ "The workshop was great! I especially like the personal accounts you gave, and the statistics." - Timika

~ "Your presentation was excellent. You are a phenomenal speaker."  - V. Kianga (09.26.19)

~ “Your information was so helpful. Thank you!” - PTA parent(s) 
~ "I loved it!" - M.J., Mom of two sons at Univ. Prep Academy

~ "Great job!  You shared valuable information." - PTA mom

~ "It was very helpful; very informative; very good." - Sade 

~ "Outstanding!" - Parents at Univ. Prep Academy

Scroll down to see comments below

Let us live as though Christ was crucified yesterday, risen today, and coming tomorrow!" {Unknown}



Youth, Educators, Workplace -- Use the principles from this book to combat bullying at school and at home

"For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but...of "love" (1 Timothy 2:7)